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Berkeley’s Next Wrestling Match – Objective Standards for Housing

Presenter: Elisa Mikiten, Planning Commission Chair (and BDA Member)

Please join us in person for a presentation on the scope and process for Berkeley’s attempt to identify objective standards for housing developments. California law requires cities follow a streamlined process to approve proposed housing projects that conform with local zoning, subject to objective design standards. Currently, Berkeley’s process is not streamlined and is subjective.

As a result, the city proposes to create “objective standards” for residential projects with two or more units—clear and consistent rules and processes that will be used to review and approve new housing in Berkeley. If approved, Berkeley’s residential objective standards could enable a streamlined review process and clear, predictable development criteria for housing stakeholders, while being sensitive to the specific context of the city.

Examples of standards that the city could define include building height, setbacks, and unit density. These standards are closely related to Berkeley’s ability to meet the target housing goals set in the Housing Element. Projects that do not qualify for streamlined review or opt for a subjective review process will have flexibility from the objective standards. Ms Mikiten will provide an overview of the process, the potential risks and rewards, and the schedule for this policy discussion.

Meeting Location: Spats, 1974 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704

January 5

Harold Way – Vertical and Horizontal Changes Brewing

March 19

Harold Way Placemaking Project - Brainstorming Workshop